Losing productivity or missing deadlines due to employee attendance?
Use your SubTeam when employees have car trouble, babysitter issues, employee sick, and family emergencies.
Planned Time Off
When your regularly scheduled employees take off, does the work pile up?
Use your SubTeam when permanent employees take vacation, PTO, sick leave, FMLA, maternity/paternity leave.
Growing Business
Missing out on opportunities to grow?
Use your SubTeam during a market expansion, increase of customer demand, product/service innovation, economic conditions, industry trends, merger or acquisition.

Open Positions
Are you losing productivity or missing deadlines due to open positions & turnover?
Use your SubTeam while recruiting, onboarding & training newly hired employees.

Does your business host events where you need additional staff?
Use your SubTeam for the entire event or just to fill in where your permenant staff is not available.
Seasonal Business
Does your business shut down for part of the year and lose workers?
Use your SubTeam to work firework stands, tree lots, light displays, haunted houses, pumpkin patches, vacation spots.
Peak Season
Taking on the added expense of paying employees in the off season so you have them for peak season?
Use your Subteam when workloads fluctuate & during regular peak season activity.

Need extra workers for projects?
Use your SubTeam to work projects such as building a deck, installing an HVAC system, moving a business to a new location, taking inventory, etc.
Traveling Work
Are you looking for workers that want to travel for work?
Use your SubTeam for traveling work like over the road truck drivers, out of town construction jobs, cruise ships and airline shifts.